wolkenlos 22,9 °C


echte Wöllsdorfer Meßwerte für Döbeln und Umgebung
WMO 2700 N 0/8 Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted) 23TTT 10Td 93PPPP -7ppp a   

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Wetterzustand der letzten 18 Stunden

Gezeigt wird das Symbol des Wetterzustandes zur jeweiligen Stunde nach der 100-teiligen WMO-Tabelle 4677 (ww) und darunter soweit zutreffend die beiden "krassesten" Wetterzustände W1 und W2 der vorangegangenen Stunde nach der 10-teiligen WMO-Tabelle 4561 (W). Den Gepflogenheiten des DWD entsprechend geschieht dies jeweils zur Minute 50 einer jeden Stunde.

Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)
Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted)


Sowohl das Davis Vantage Pro 2 als auch das Ott Hydromet Parsivel2 messen Niederschläge, aber mit sehr unterschiedlichen Verfahren. Wie sehen die Werte im Vergleich aus?

Regenintensität Davis Vantage Pro 2
jetzt 0,0 mm/h
max heute 0,0 mm/h
Regenintensität Ott Hydromet Parsivel2
jetzt 0,000 mm/h
max heute 0,000 mm/h
Regenintensität DWD-Wetterradar
jetzt 0,00 mm/h
max heute 0,00 mm/h
Heute Gestern Woche Monat Jahr
Davis Vantage Pro 2 0,0 mm 0,0 mm 0,0 mm 3,0 mm 214,0 mm
Ott Hydromet Parsivel2 0,0 mm 0,0 mm 0,0 mm 26,4 mm 227,6 mm
DWD-Wetterradar 0,0 mm 0,0 mm 0,0 mm 5,5 mm

Die Meßwerte im Einzelnen

Die Software des Gerätes ermittelt aus den gemessenen Schwankungen des Laserstrahles eine ganze Reihe verschiedener Werte, die es über seine Schnittstelle ausgibt.

Nr. Bezeichnung Größe Wert WMO Text Icon
Zeitstempel 1715766300 15.05.2024 11:45:00
gemeldete Werte
02 Regen (akkumuliert) 169,24 mm im Archivintervall 0,00 mm
24 Regen (absolut) 169,24 mm
01 Regenintensität R 0,000 mm/h
35 Schneehöhen-Intensität 0,000 mm/h
08 Sichtweite im Niederschlag MOR 20,0 km Nebel beeinflußt diesen Wert nicht.
07 Radarreflektivität dBZ -10 dB
04 Wetterzustand nach Tabelle 4677 ww 00 Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted) keine Bewölkungsentwicklung 2%
03 Wetterzustand nach Tabelle 4680 wawa 00 keine Bewölkungsentwicklung
05 Wetterzustand nach Tabelle 4678 w'w' NP
06 Wetterzustand NWS C
10 Signalamplitude des Laserbandes 19888
11 Anzahl der erkannten und validierten Partikel 0
abgeleitete Werte
bearbeiteter Wetterzustand ww 00 Codes 00-09 General Group: No precipitation, fog, duststorm, sandstorm, drifting or blowing snow at the station at the time of observation or, except for 09 during the preceeding hour. Code: 00 Description: Cloud development NOT observed or NOT observable during past hour (not plotted) wolkenlos
bearbeiteter Wetterzustand wawa 00
Beginn des derzeitigen Wetterzustandes 1715064193 07.05.2024 08:43:13
bisherige Dauer des derzeitigen Wetters 11701,8 Minuten 195 Stunden, 1 Minute, 47 Sekunden
bei Niederschlag Zeitpunkt des Beginns N/A
12 Temperatur im Sensorgehäuse 31 °C
26 Temperatur der Leiterplatte 42 °C
27 Temperatur im Sensorkopf rechts 28 °C
28 Temperatur im Sensorkopf links 30 °C
17 Versorgungsspannung Us 26,2 V 10...28 V
16 Strom Sensorkopfheizung Iheiz 0,50 A 0...4,00 A
18 Sensorstatus 0 ok
25 Fehlercode 000
09 Abfrageintervall 0,3 Minuten

Während Niederschlag fällt, werden hier zusätzlich die Rohdaten der erkannten Partikel (Nr. 93) als Tabelle dargestellt.